
Theme Requirements

Theme Requirements

Theme Requirements

To use Guto Pro, you must be running WordPress 5 or higher, PHP 5.6 or higher, and MySQL 5 or higher. We have tested it with Mac, Windows, and Linux. Below is a list of items you should ensure your host can comply with.

  • Check to ensure that your web host has the minimum requirements to run WordPress.
  • Always make sure they are running the latest version of WordPress.
  • You can download the latest release of WordPress from the official WordPress website.
  • Always create secure passwords for FTP and Database.

Before starting the demo data import process, please make sure the following points-

  • No additional plugins are activated except the required/recommended plugins by the theme
  • PHP version ~7.x.x or least working version
  • The PHP script execution time was increased
  • File upload max size was extended
  • Internet speed is good enough to finish the import process within less time. Due to low net speed, it might miss the data while uploading through the one-click importer.

Hosting is more secure when PHP applications, like WordPress, are running using your account’s username instead of the server’s default shared username (www or www-data). The most common way for hosting companies to do this is by using PHP. Just ask your potential host if they run PHP or something similar.

Many issues that you may run into such as white screen, demo content fails when importing, empty page content, and other similar issues are all related to low PHP configuration limits. The solution is to increase the PHP limits. You can do this on your own, or contact your web host and ask them to increase those limits to a minimum as follows:

upload_max_filesize = 128M
max_input_time = -1
post_max_size = 128M
max_input_vars = 8000
max_execution_time = 200

Tips For This Part :

  • WP Memory Limit: find the file wp-config.php. Add the line “define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );” above the line /That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging./
  • WP Debug Mode: It is not important to set WP Debug Mode then do not worry about it.
  • PHP Time limit: find the file wp-config.php. Add the line “set_time_limit(600);” above the line /That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging./
  • PHP Max Input Vars: Find .htaccess in folder Root of website. Add the line “php_value max_input_vars 5000”

How to choose PHP version and enable PHP extension

Step 1: Come to CPanel find select PHP version

Step 2: Choose version 5.6 and enable XML reader extension

Step 3: Save the file

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